Procurement decision intelligence platform Beroe acquired nnamu GmbH, a pioneering negotiation technology business that has created the world’s first game theory-based AI agent. nnamu uses advanced game theory principles to recommend and deliver optimal negotiation strategies, generating substantial cost savings and total cost of ownership improvements. Having deployed AI in multiple use cases on the Beroe platform, the company saw synergies with nnamu’s exceptional capabilities in autonomous negotiations. As part of the integration roadmap, Beroe will infuse its proprietary market intelligence into nnamu’s negotiation agent, ensuring even better outcomes for customers. Effective negotiations are core to procurement’s ability to deliver savings and bottom-line impact. nnamu’s AI agent is built on a unique 20-year data set of more than 2,000 negotiations, undertaken by more than 100 specialists in game theory and economics, with a cumulative value exceeding €400 billion. With this acquisition, Beroe is paving the way for procurement professionals to access advanced AI and game theory concepts, revolutionizing how procurement professionals negotiate with their suppliers.